Make the best of New Year’s Eve 2019 in LA
From hip-hop shows and all-you-can-drink stumblefests to schmancy cocktail parties, Thrilllist LA lays out a slew of things you can do to make the best of New Year’s Eve 2019 in LA..
If dancing and music is your thing, ring in the New Year with Bootie Mashup at El Cid in Silverlake, complete with tons of confetti, champagne toasts, and free “Best of Bootie 2019” albums!
Blow your bonus at Vespertine, probably the city's most expensive dinner party, or get dressed up for the Spago Masquerade party, with champagne, caviar, a breakfast buffet at 1am (!), a nine-piece big band, and a DJ!
Party for free at this family-friendly Marina event with face painting, food trucks, dancing, and two countdowns, both with fireworks: a 9pm one, broadcasting live from the east coast, and a traditional midnight one.
Get the full list of options HERE.